
IMG_20170722_192732Dear Furiends,

My dear bunny-brofur, Halo was overcoming his trauma at heating/seeing Saphera kill/eat a wild bunny… he’s been cowering his his hutch since then, but I’ve been going in there (and NOT stealing spinach) to comfort him. It was working. He finally was coming out and roaming so I left his cage open – it is on our catio, which is purrtected.

He was having fun, hopping about and sniffing and Saphera was inside snoopervising our chef. I went inside to check Master Munchkin’s homework, then heard an awful scream. I ran fast to see what was wrong. IMG_20170930_235556

Halo was nowhere to be seen.

Saphera was already on the catio, but I don’t think she attacked Halo – I suspect she ran there because he screamed, too. Halo was turned over behind a big can, so no way she dropped him there and I couldn’t see any injures. By this time, I was shaking too bad to see if he had a heart beat.
Our chef wrapped him in a cozy towel and put him inside his hutch, so I’d hoped he’d simply fainted.  But I think she gave him a heart attack and not sure she meant to cause of where he was found. I’ve read that when bunnies faint, they often yell first. I purrayed that was what I’d heard.
DSC_0518Alas, my dear burfur was buried under my oak tree this morning.  The Munchkins made a box and filled it with his toys and hay and some dried starfruit, which was his favorite treat.

I don’t  know if Saphera was out there when he yelled or ran out when he yelled. Unfortunately, her previous conduct makes me wonder if she was involved – if only in brofur Halo’s imagination.

Purrseidon >^.^<

Sunday Selfies

Dear Furiends,

I took a sneaky photo of Purr, who  woke everyone up by playing the keyboard at midnight…. Ms. Munchkin forgot to unplug it (it stays unplugged because Purr will turn it on and play with it if not, BUT when it is received_10212747633314939.jpegunplugged she never touches it) .  I don’t know what her obsession is with that keyboard, but she knows the power button and obviously associates it with the plug. I have seen Purr hop up and turn it on then paw the keys…  Between her obsession with  water and her continual efforts to be a jazz musician, I often question if Purr is really a cat.

While I have no idea when her water obsession began, I believe Purr developed her fascination with the keyboard because Ms. Munchkin used to let her sit in her lap and when she hit a key … Purr would then mimic it. I don’t know if my sisfur will ever act normal with all this as dog and human stuff so easily available.

And now, selfies of the rest of the crew ( and I even purrticipated):



Mr. M =^.^=

This post is part of The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfies Blog Hop – to see what some of our furiends are doing this weekend please, click here


Sunday Selfies

M refused to leave the bookshelf (one of his favorite places):


Saphera wasn’t successful hiding behind the shrubbery:


And Gunner had the nerve of charging me a Honey Nut Cherrio to pose!!!:


What an exhausting Sunday! Purrseidon >^.^<


This post is part of The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfies Blog Hop – to see what some of our furiends are doing this weekend please, click here

Sunday Selfies

Dear Furiends,p1200714

I am combining this post with Saphera’s monthly weigh-in…. Usually, this does not go well because she gets wiggly, but this time, we bribed her with treats to sit nicely on it….


In other words, her diet is working, but slowly.


Mr. M even helped demonstrate  how to step on the scale.

Then, I lined up  the treat on the edge, so she would have plenty of room to sit t on it herself. … In the process, I, too showed her how to sit on it propurrly… Which ended up with these rather odd selfies.

Umh yes that is slobber on the scale too I guess that treat was that good.


In case you’re wondering, I weigh 10;2 pounds and Mr. M weighs 10.8, so he’s not just all fluff and fur. Saphera  is just under 80 pounds.

Have a wonderful week, my furiends!

Purrseidon  >^.^<

This post is part of The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfies Blog Hop – to see what some of our furiends are doing this weekend please, click here


Dear Furiends,

I believe we pets need to teach our staffs how to accept and care for each other, even when the humans have differences…. They need to learn to talk calmly and listen / not shout, which makes ears close. They need to focus on what similarities, not differences.2b4f57bcf91892cfc3e1bc0930807fa7.jpg

I know many of you are already pawticipating and I’m sharing your photos. To the rest, please join us and begin this new training purrogram!

Love conquers all!

Purrseidon >^.^<

&        Mr. M =^.^=


Sunday Selfies


Dear Furiends,

We continue to put our yard back together after Matthew hit it with 110 mph winds and a foot of rain. Everyone is pitching in – including my brofur, Mr. M:P1190583.JPG

And my sisfur, Saphera:P1190593.JPGHave a wonderful week, my dear furiends!

Purrseidon  >^.^<

This post is part of The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfies Blog Hop – to see what some of our furiends are doing this weekend please, click here


Sunday Selfies



Dear Furiends,

Did you wonder what I was sitting on this past Friday? Well, this basket is where I keep my catnip toys (and where I once was dumb enough to put M’s silvervine stick)…  Ehem, I’m trying to get past that incident. I’m also trying to organize my toys, so I now have my ball collection in an Easter basket, which I claimed (it’s much larger and many of my balls are nice and big, too).

I put my catnip toy collection in this old Christmas basket, and now can easily find the one/s I want. Otherwise, the sneaky things tend to end up on the bottom.

Ms. Ellen of 15andmeowing made these  – and many others in my collection… She makes the very best toys, so today, M and I are doing selfies with a few of our favorite toys from Ms. Ellen.

Have a Meowser of a day!

Purrseidon  >^.^< & M =^.^=

This post is part of The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfies Blog Hop – to see what some of our furiends are doing this weekend please, click hereCat4-001-300x300

Friendly Friday Fill Ins


1. I am most proud of my catnip plant’s amazing progress… in less than a year, it has grown from a sprig to a nice bush, which I can lounge under.

2. I am embarrassed to admit that even though I adore frogs, I can’t understand a syllable they say.frog-77147_960_720

3. My super-power might be green paws (in human, that should mean I have a talent for growing plants. I base this on ‘green thumb’.).


4. I really wish I could find an inexpensive, environmentally friendly energy source so that humans would stop focusing on gunky, stinky oil and other stuff that they should leave bebarrel-2852__180

This post is participating in Friendly Fill-Ins, which is hosted by McGufy’s Reader & 15andmeowing – on Thursdays, they asked these 4 fill in the blank questions:

1. I am most proud of ___________.MM

2. I am embarrassed to admit ___________.

3. My super-power might be ___________.

4. I really wish I could ___________.

(M here. I am most proud of my literary skills.

I am embarrassed to admit how angry I got when my sisfur hid my silvervine stick.

I believe my super-power is understanding and forgiveness.

And I really wish I could help my sisfur clean up/stop the pollution in this world.)
