Sunday Selfies


I have also enlisted the assistance of Master Munchkin to take a photo of the back of my head…. our dear brother, who lives in Finland, commented on a previous blog that he had never seen the coloring of my back.P1200105.JPG

Master Munchkin, who is one of my bestest friends, also wanted to share this claw that we found at the beach:P1200205.JPG

This post is part of The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfies Blog Hop – to see what some of our furiends are doing this weekend please, click here


30 thoughts on “Sunday Selfies

    1. I have been told my markings are attractive, and am glad that you thought my neck swish was worth taking a photo of. I assure you that my coloring is very useful as camouflage, particularly when I’m in my oak tree. >^.^<


    1. Master Munchkin loves that claw and it IS interesting, but let me tell you, it does NOT smell good. Not at all…. Do all humans have a bad sense of smell? >^.^<


  1. Ooh, that wave in your markings seems quite apt for a nautical such as yourself. You get glow sticks? does that help with mousing activities, as I sure could do with some help right now. As to that claw, well I hope I never get to meet the owner. purrs ERin

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    1. ERin, I need to wear glow sticks when I go out at night because my staff can’t see well in the dark. And, no they do not help with mousing BUT they attract bugs.


    1. Thank you, Ms. Ellen… and yes, that claw is BIG … I hear that crabs know how to use them, too, so I’m very glad that we simply found this, instead of needing to report an attack! >^.^<

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    1. My markings are very good camouflage, too. You wouldn’t believe how well I can disappear in my oak tree … I also suspect this is why I am forced to wear those glow sticks after dark… >^.^<

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  2. A very stylish swoop to the right, there, kitty! Most beautiful!

    When my late ginger tabby, Louie, was alive, I was astonished how beautiful his head markings were. I never tired of photographing these markings or of just admiring what a handsome head Louie had!

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    1. Master Munchkin helped me photograph the back of my head & in return, I shared that claw he is so proud of finding (it doesn’t exactly smell good, so I’m not sure why he likes it). >^.^<

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      1. Pops says that when he went crabbing in the Chesapeake (that means he caught blue crabs to eat), sometimes he would catch crabs with one big claw and one smaller one. People told him that with regular crabbers caught them, the would break off one claw of the ones that were too little before they threw them back…. Humans can be so barbaric!!! Pops never did that.
        Summer, between you and me, I can not imagine why anyone would want to eat such a boney, smelly thing… humans are very, very strange. >^.^<


  3. You selfie is totally amazing and show off your handsomeness purrfectly. What a cool idea to take a back of your head selfie. Your furs are amazing…love the asymmetry. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

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