Friday Fill Ins

1. The best brand of catnip is Cat-a-bliss’s Purrseidon’s Preferred. P1180360(Yes, it was named for meI’m that much of a fan, er at least Ms. Kiara, who created the blend thought my enthusiastic reaction merited it being named for me.)

2. I refuse to buy pool toys unless there is a sale or a coupon. (Those things simply are not durable! At least they aren’t durable, if one has claws.)

3. I am inspired by people who overcome obstacles to achieve their dreams.

footprint-1084898_960_7204.Whenever there is a new war or gang fighting, or terrorism attack, I wonder how smart humans are and if they really understand the concept of humanity, which means that they should care for each other despite their differences.

This post is participating in Friendly Fill-Ins, which is hosted by McGufy’s Reader & 15andmeowing – on Thursdays, they asked these 4 fill in the blank questions:

1. The best brand of ____________ is _______________.

2. I refuse to buy _______________________ unless there is a sale or a coupon.

3. I am inspired by ___.ellen_cat_badge_2

4.Whenever____, I____.

21 thoughts on “Friday Fill Ins

    1. We grow our catnip, and I know Kiara or cat-a-bliss grows most of her own nip and other cat-friendly herbs, too (she lives about 5 miles from us) – Purrseidon loves to sniff her way through Kiara’s garden. I’m not sure if she cures her leaves and buds in a special way or her secret is the balance of her blends, but I have never managed to come up with anything that the cats like half as much as they love her blends.


  1. I am not going to tell Teddy about the catnip. I grow some in a pot and he likes it and it is pretty much free. Both Teddy and Jack will tell you humans are not all that smart.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is pathetically obvious that humans aren’t that smart – all we need to do is watch their news programs over a period of time – don’t they realize they keep making the same mistakes over and over and it is not ‘new’, it is a rehash of the old?!?

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I love my pink ilfe vest, but admit it is a bit snug … I have a bright yellow one, too, but I usually use that as my ‘official gardener in charge’ vest.

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  2. I love your kitty play pool, how nice on a hot summer day! You must be pretty special to have your very own catnip blend! I am inspired by people who overcome the obstacles in their lives to, I always think that if they can, then surely I can deal with the stuff life throws at me! You are absolutely right about #4, we are ALL family, not just some of us, and we’ve been told to love one another, without exception. It upsets me when I see people taking such an angry stand against each other, often based on what they hear others saying rather than on the truth. We can disapprove of what someone does without hating them. Hate will never create a peaceful world, only love can.!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Totally agree about humans needing to learn to look for similarities instead of nit-pick differences! And yes, my pool is purrfect. Until I became a tester for Cat-a-bliss, I’d assumed catnip was catnip and while I’m proud of my purrsonal plant, I mainly like lounging in its shade… don’t know what Ms. Kiara puts in those blends she developed, but I suspect one of her ingredients is magic.


  3. pilch92

    Those are great answers Purrseidon. I agree that Cat-a-Bliss is the best brand of nip – all 13 of my cats agree. And you are very wise with #4,humans can learn from you. Those photos of you in your pool are great.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Had to get in MY pool early – while the water was still clean … I’ve been forced to share it with Saphera, so she can keep cool…


  4. I agree with you, Purrseidon. Many humans don’t seem to be too very smart anymore. Many are just pure evil. That’s why we need kitties and other fur babies to teach us what really matters. Have a blessed day!

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