Friday Friendly Fillins


1. I have a hard time finding a gift for my sisfur, Last year, I gave her treats, but this year, she is on a diet… she mainly lounges around and eats, so I guess that’s why she is on the diet, but what can I get her that the staff will let her have?!? I’d give her a rawhide chewbone, but M says he got her one of those…. Does anyone have a suggestion?!? P1170909

2. I have no problem finding a gift for Master Munchkin… I think I could get him a fur-ball and he’d love it… if he doesn’t like something, he dissects it and either puts it under his microscope or reuses the bits and piece to make something else.


3. One of the best gifts I ever gave was my agreement to become an indoor cat and work as a writer’s muselil






4. One of the best gifts I ever received was a nice, sturdy cardboard box with a plush blanket inside AND my very own silvervine stick.  P1180143

This post is participating in Friendly Fill-Ins, which is hosted by McGufy’s Reader & 15andmeowing – on Thursdays, they asked these 4 fill in the blank questions:

1. I have a hard time finding a gift for __________.

2. I have no problem finding a gift for __________.

3. One of the best gifts I ever gave was __________.

4. One of the best gifts I ever received was __________.

16 thoughts on “Friday Friendly Fillins

    1. The black cats I’ve met seem calm, like M.
      M is also older and not what I would consider him to be athletic, but he has surprised me on more than one occasion.
      I am also pleased that you noticed that I’m in great shape and adorable. >^.^<

      Liked by 1 person

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