Oct 13th


Dear Furiends,

Today the Halloween challenge calendar says “Bat”… Unfortunately,  I couldn’t find anything that looked like it might represent the Vi-Purrs, which Mr. M tells me were a bit battish… hard to find photos of fictional things… I hope you like this bat-kitty.

Obviously, this challenge is for Halloween and – except for Chucky – I love, love, love Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween Month!!!

Purrseidon >^.^<



8 thoughts on “Oct 13th

  1. Pingback: JNW’s Halloween Challenge: Bat/Vampire – Jennifer Nichole Wells

  2. The bat-kitty is cuddly ❤
    Bats are useful to defeat mozzies, mosquitoes, especially so-called tiger-mosquitoes. Here, on the opposite side of the ocean, wooden bat-houses are installed on the roofs to invite bats (Nyctalus Noctula) to build their nests and to eat insects 🙂
    I love them ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. OMC..the kitty bat is adorable. A bat got in our house once, long before any of us were around (the humans had two small dogs). Mom was so freaked out, she called Dad at work to come home, and she (in her jammies and robe) and the two dogs sat outside until her got home. It wasn’t cute like this kitty. XOCK Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My staff reports having one in the house ages ago – they knocked it out of the air with a tennis racket, then grabbed it with an oven mitt and put it outside… Apparently real ones can spread disease, so they they bleached the tennis racket and oven mitt. I would have loved being there! >^.^<


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