Sept 11th Sunday Selfies


Dear Furiends,

There was another silvervine incident, so my sisfur is unable to write today’s post.

As you know, I am not an over-bearing autocrat, and I don’t make ridiculous demands, but when a contract gets violated, I also make certain that it will not happen again, which is why Purrseidon is straightening her fur and I’m writing this post… She is used to thinking of me as an elderly tom in the box, and apparently she never bothered to think about how well I have crafted the character, Xander de Hunter, who not only was a Catamondo Kick-boxing champion, but has conquered all forms of peril…

If you doubt that Purrseidon would be foolish enough to make the same mistake twice P1190406purrticularly after assuring me that she’d learned her lesson, take a good look at the photographic evidence, which I gathered prior to giving her the lesson she’s straightening her fur over.

Mr. M, who doesn’t tolerate anyone messing with his silvervine stick =^.^=




What was your favorite music genre when you were young and on what format did you first listen to it

Purrseidon thinks our iPod is very handy and she loves surfing music

This post is part of The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfies Blog Hop – to see what some of our furiends are doing this weekend please, click here

30 thoughts on “Sept 11th Sunday Selfies

    1. Yes, Purr loves the Beach Boys and there are always sticks available, the issue is that Purr doesn’t respect property rights. She is almost 2 and should have learned that by now. =^.^=


    1. Well, ERin, my furiend, we will eventually sort things out, or she will get another lesson in respecting other’s property. Hope you’re having an excellent day! =^.^=


  1. Silvervine thieves are not to be tolerated, but we do give Purrseidon 32 paws up on her choice of music! Thanks for hopping with us. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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