Friendly Friday Fillins

lil1. A law I would like to see passed is that humans should treat animals (and remember humans are animals, too) as they wish to be treated.

2. My favorite card game is _52 Pickup …. and while they are on the floor, it’s loads of fun to scatter them even more!!! Oh and if they land on the wood floor, instead of the rug, IF you jump on them just right, they’re almost as fun to slide on as Purr’s skateboard

p11005853. With Summer unofficially here I’m wondering if it ever left …. Realize that here, in Florida, it’s summer most of the tiime..

4. A favourite Summer memory is going to the beach and belive you me, we don’t go nearly enough to suit me!

This post is participating in Friendly Fill-Ins, which is hosted by McGuffy’s Reader & 15andmeowing – on Thursdays, they asked these 4 fill in the blank questions:

1. A law I would like to see passed is _________________________.C7Ogl7eXgAIKZSw

2. My favorite card game is ______________________.

3. With Summer unofficially here,_____________________.

4. A favourite Summer memory is _____________________.


19 thoughts on “Friendly Friday Fillins

    1. Mom says you have alligators in Louisiana, just like we do…. Do you also have laws that require both cats and dogs to be on leashes, when outside, unless they are protected in some other way, like our fenced back yard? I, for one, would love to live in a place without that law because it limits which trees I can climb. >^.^<


  1. It is summer most of the time here, too. Our seasons are: “Pretty Nearly Summer”, “Summer”, “Still Summer”, and “You Call This Winter? HA!” 89 degrees on Christmas Eve should be illegal. 🙂

    I agree with #1.

    I learned about 52 Pick-Up when I was a little girl at my Aunt Vi’s house. She was a cool aunt, very funny, and forever young. She asked us kids if we wanted to play 52 Pick-Up. We’d never heard of it and said, “Sure!”. We were surprised when the tossed the cards into the air to land everywhere. haha She’s the one who taught me how to play Rummy, too, and to crochet.

    Have a blessed weekend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The first answer has an important message to everybody. Your weather, oh your warm weather, you are so lucky to live in a paradise.
    Our June started with a surprise, cars windows were white of ice yesterday morning. So we are not suffering from hot weather.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kosmo, dear brofur, my old bones love this hot weather, but Mom’s arthritis responds best to ice packs …. I wonder if there is a way to trade her for you…. Can you cook and clean???? M =^.^=

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, if we do this trade, it could work out well … our moms could enjoy the cold together and we could find a nice big sun puddle to share…. The munchkins can open cans, but they aren’t very good at cleaning litter boxes… =^.^=

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  3. 15andmeowing

    Thank you both for these excellent answers. I completely agree with #1, you deserve to be treated with respect. 52 pickup does sound like fun 🙂 And I hope you get to go to the beach soon Purrseidon. Have a nice weekend

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We’re glad you liked our answers and I’m hopeful of a beach trip, too… You would not believe how many excuses my staff manages to come up with for why I need to stay home!


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