Halo Solo Wordless Wednesday

Dear Furiends, received_10212712141747672.jpeg

If I was going to use a word to explain this photo, it would be ‘training’… And I’m not having much luck with training Halo OR my staff.. Would you believe that it’s been months since I managed to get them to include me in a trip to the beach?!? Er, as per Halo, I titled this post Halo Solo because Sid suggested it plus Halo still mainly needs to be left alone due to his tendency to pick fights.

Have a wonderful day, dear furiends,

Purrseidon >^.^<

received_10212712196629044.jpegThis post is part of Create with Joy’s Wordless Wednesday & Comedy Plus‘ blog hops.


15 thoughts on “Halo Solo Wordless Wednesday

    1. Purrseidon is very smart, and amazingly patient with Halo. Everyone else gets ago fine, though I admit that Mr. M, our elder tom, quick leaves the room when Purrseidon prances in with her fur damp from playing ocean.

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    1. Ehem, I don’t actually feel that Halo and I get along well. However, Gunner and I are very good furiends, so we share many adventures and naps. That said, when we’re working on the garden, he has the oddest habit of nibbling some of my prize plants…. >^.^<


  1. Halo Solo is a wonderfully wild on-the-sofa-adventurous bunny 😛
    But that nose-to-nose with Purr can be a sign of gaining confidence, maybe!
    A cherry SG Diavoletto on the wall?!? WOW =^:^=

    Liked by 1 person

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