Friday Friendly Fillins

1. My favorite kind of cookie is the one I get to eat. 15723915_10207955831629660_476349247_n

2. I would play me in a movie about my life….why on earth would anyone else play me?






P11804663. Love is the most powerful emotion and though most humans don’t seem to realize it, ilove is more powerful than hate.

4. For Valentine’s Day, I plan to be very nice to my furiends and

This post is participating in Friendly Fill-Ins, which is hosted by McGuffy’s Reader & 15andmeowing – on Thursdays, they asked these 4 fill in the blank questions:

1. My favorite kind of cookie is _______________________.

2. ___________________________ would play me in a movie about my life.

3. Love is

4. For Valentine’s Day, I _______________________.


16 thoughts on “Friday Friendly Fillins

  1. 15andmeowing

    Thank you both for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am sure lots of cats would want to play you in a movie- although many won’t want to get in the water. Mr. M, you are so wise and sweet too. XO

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