Sky Watch with Mr. M



Dear Furiends,

The Five-hundred-metre Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), in south west China’s Guizhou Province has n enormous 1,650-foot-wide dish and become operational on September 25…. It puts my purrsonal telescope to shame… I would love to see this, but doubt that cats would be allowed to admire the heavens through it. You can read more about it here & there is even a nice video. aperture-spherical-telescope

Mr. M  =^.^=

7 thoughts on “Sky Watch with Mr. M

    1. I hope you husband finds this as interesting as I do. Have a wonderful weekend, Ms. Ellen… BTW, Purr is all excited about that challenge you mentioned… she is is a twitter over posting a pumpkin photo. I, purrsonally, would rather eat pumpkin pie. =^.^=


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