Feline Friday Fillins

20191101_2114571. If I couldn’t live in my country, I would live in a boat, so I could jump into the water and swim whenever I wanted.

2. I wish I had kept something from my childhood.

3. I would choose freedom over slavery for everyone.

4. Opinions don’t matter in the long run.everyone has one, some are correct, others aren’t.

This post is purrticipating in a blog hop hosted by Ms. Ellen of 15and meowing and Ms. Lorianne of Fourleggedfurballs. Yesterday, they asked these questions. (Ms. Ellen asked the first two fill-in-the-blank questions and Ms. Lorianne the later two – our answers are underlined.) If you don’t want to write a blog post, you can simply answer in the comments section. These were the original questions:Ak8ucX5kULBQlExgekG9_27_5d666b22a5f6053903361ddb1a9cbef3_image

1. If I couldn’t live in my country, I would live in ______________________.

2. I wish I had kept _________________________ from my childhood.

3. I would choose _________ over _________.

4. _________ doesn’t matter in the long run.

This post is also purrticipating in Comedy Plus’s Feline Friday Blog Hop.

Have a great day!



16 thoughts on “Feline Friday Fillins

  1. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins, Purrseidon! Once again, you are one wise kitty. You are so right about #4. It’s sad how plain and simple opinions can cause so much strife in the world. Purrs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Meowser “Mom”! I rarely pay attention to ‘the news’ because the times I have, it seemed like the next day facts had intervened from somewhere to prove the opinion wrong. The most baffling thing is that whoever spouted the opinion to begin with never seems to admit they were wrong. I truly don’t understand why anyone wastes their time watching that stuff… don’t they understand most ‘news’ is fiction?


  2. 15andmeowing

    Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I bet you would enjoy living on a boat 🙂 I completely agree with #4. Have a nice weekend. XO

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love your fill-ins and love the video. You’re always welcome on our boat.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

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