Feline Friday Fillins

received_102139890697100731. For Halloween, I want to be something fun and/or interesting… I haven’t been shopping, yet, so don’t know what’s available… I told Katsu that he should wear an eyepatch and have Ms. Munchkin dress like a parrot… I see no reason why the pirate can’t sit on the parrot’s shoulder. Do you?

2. Dressing up fancy makes me feel like royalty.received_10213890988298099

3. On a dark and stormy night, I beg to play in the rain.

4. If I had a witch’s cauldron, I would stir up a potion for peace.

This post is purrticipating in a blog hop hosted by Ms. Ellen of 15andmeowing  & Ms. Lorianne of Fourleggedfurballs Yesterday, they asked these questions. (Ms. Ellen asked the first two fill-in-the-blank questions and Ms. Lorianne the later two – our answers are underlined.)

If you don’t want to write a blog post, you can simply answer in the comments section. Have a great day! These were the original questions:p1190969

1. For Halloween, I want to be _____________________.
2. _____________________ makes me feel like royalty.
3. On a dark and stormy night, I _________.
4. If I had a witch’s cauldron, I would stir up a potion for _________.

This post is also purrticipating in Comedy Plus’s Feline Friday Blog Hop.

33 thoughts on “Feline Friday Fillins

    1. Ms. Munchkin hasn’t shown much interest in sprouting wings, but Saphera is interested…. don’t know if they make parrot outfits her size, though… I hadn’t thought of a Kracken! At the moment, I’m looking for a mermaid costume, but don’t know if I’ll be able to find one.

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  1. L.M.G. Miller

    Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins, Purrseidon! We love Miss Ellen’s idea of you dressing up like a mermaid. It would certainly suit you well! We also think your pirate and parrot idea is purrfect. Purrs to all of you!

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  2. 15andmeowing

    Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I like your reverse pirate idea 🙂 You would make a great mermaid, I saw costumes for them at Petco and Michael’s craft store.Have a nice weekend. XO

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  3. violaetcetera

    Absolutely agree with #2, and you look very handsome. A pirate sitting of the shoulder of a parrot, now that’s something I never saw before😁

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    1. Very true, Ms. Mimi and Florida is known as the ‘lightening capitol’ of the USA… BTW, Ms. Saphera says SHE wants to be a parrot…. This could be a very interesting Halloween!

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      1. Mr. Doug, IMHO Andy and Dougy have much more sensible taste buds. I’ll admit that I love spinach, but Katsu;s taste buds are very peculiar – as I previously mentioned, his favorite treat is a kiwi, but did you know that his favorite food is mashed potatoes?!? A couple weeks ago, I even spotted him trying to eat a lego! Except for that lego, I wouldn’t want to eat any of those, unless there wasn’t anything else available! Purrseidon


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