15 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. 15andmeowing

    We just used some bee balm petals in our salad last week, very peppery. We also made tea with the leaves- too earthy tasting for me. 🙂

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    1. Meowser, Ms. Mimi, dandelions are the only ones we have growing down here, but I know this blog is read in all sorts of other places, so I figured everyone could pick out which ones were useful for them…. This assumes anyone else wants to nibble on wild flowers. >^.^<


    1. I think that list was for humans. I don’t eat lilies and haven’t actually ever seen one… too hot here for them to grow. However, Ms. Munchkin loves to munch on hibiscus flowers, which do grow here and she says that different colors have different flavors. I keep intending to get a nibble, but haven’t gotten around to it, yet…. >^.^<


    1. That’s about the only one that actually grows down here, so it’s the only one I’ve nibbled on, too. Mom likes nasturtiums and rose petals (we don’t use chemicals). Ms. Munchkin loves hibiscus flowers. Nip is far superior. >^.^<


      1. Jean, have you ever tried Nasturtium seeds? I pickle them and use them as capers with fish. I had some vinegar in the fridge and would pick the nasturtium seeds as lost the flowers. I forget the exact amount of vinegar but it would be easy to look up. I hardly have nasturtiums in the garden anymore but enjoyed the seeds. They are quite a kick for your taste buds.

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