Not so Wordless Wednesday

Dear Furiends,MonPorch

We set up the Shrek 2 game. At first Purr thought it was a new spot top lounge. So Master Munchkin taught her how to play. You should have seen the look on Purrs face  when she was trying to learn how to spin the spinner…

DSC_0029-1She smacked it, bit it, and then picked it up in her mouth and tried to spin it that way. Then she gave up and had such a funny expression…. I told her I was sorry and that no thumbs sucks, but I am sure she will figure out how to spin the spinner. I wanted to get a video but forgot how to record on my camera and by then I had a glaring kitty.

BTW, Master Munchkin won so Purr is happier. She guarded the cards from the box and made sure no one cheated… However, now that I think about it, she may have helped Master Munchkin win…. When he would draw a card, he would  to go straight to the castle using the gingerbread man and then he rolled donkey, shrek, and puss his first try. Hummm…

Mr. M =^.^=DSC_0032

This post is purrticipating in Comedy plus’s Wordedless Wednesday + Creat With Joy ‘ Wordless Wednesday blog hops.

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