Friday Friendly Fill Ins


1. I wish I could afford to hire someone to build a cat-size waterpark in my backyard


2. Zucchini is easy to grow and has nice big leaves for shade, but isn’t as tasty as salmon.

3. One Summertime memory I recall is last summer, we went to the beach a lot more often.P1110843

4. This Summer, the staff is concerned about “water quality” due to the “algae bloom” in Lake Okeechobee, which I don’t see as a problem, but the staff says that the Gulf Stream flows northward, past where the Okeechobee waters dump into the Atlantic and then past our favorite beach. So they are very concerned that the beach we like will become contaminated.

Algae Bloom
Algae Bloom 2


This post is participating in Friendly Fill-Ins, which is hosted by McGufy’s Reader & 15andmeowing – on Thursdays, they asked these 4 fill in the blank questions:

1. I wish I could afford to hire someone to ____________.

2. Zucchini_____________________________.

3. One Summertime memory I recall is ____________.

4. This Summer _____________.


35 thoughts on “Friday Friendly Fill Ins

  1. Pingback: Feline Friday – Comedy Plus

  2. Great answers! A water-park would be so much fun! What a great idea!

    I really hope that they get that algae situation under control and that your beach does not become compromised. Stagnant water can certainly create issues. I am hoping that nature will take care of itself soon.

    Thanks for being a part of Friendly Fill-Ins! Annie at ~McGuffy’s Reader~


    1. The staff know some water-loving Siberians, but they live on the other side of the country… surely I’m not the only one who likes water in Florida!


  3. Purrseidon,
    Yep water quality is an issue this year. Here in the Gulf we keep having Red Tide, which some people call red death. The water is killing lots of fish. Somehow this gulf water gets into the fresh water and can make people sick. Hang 20, little friend.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for letting me know this, but I also admit it is very distressing to learn that I’m not the only one whose enjoyment of water is being curtailed by pollution.


  4. Pingback: Friday Friendly Fill Ins — Purrseidon – Jeanne Foguth's Blog

  5. pilch92

    Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I bet Master and Miss Munchkin could design a water park for you in the backyard 🙂 I saw on the news about the algae problem in Florida and have been meaning to ask your Mom if your area was affected, sorry to see it is.
    Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think our are is affected – at least not like it is South of here. HOWEVER, one good blow (they say it’s hurricane season) can change things very quickly. For certain, people aren’t swimming, like they were. The waves seem bigger this year and I’m not so fond of big waves.
      This is very frustrating!


    1. I think a lot of my luck with beach trips will depend on that algae situation. My favorite beach supposedly isn’t affected, but wind and water flow can change that quickly.


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