Skywatch Wednesday




Dear Furiends,

As a writer’s muse, I research many things and while the vast majority of my ‘tidbits’ do not end up in a novel, some do. Today, I have a tidbit to share with you, which might not make it into a novel, but you might want to plan to look at the nighttime sky tomorrow because astronomers expect an outburst of Perseid meteors! The prediction is for 200 meteor_stream_comet_debris_astrobobmeteors per hour seen on August 11-12 (evening of August 11, morning of August 12).

If you happen to live in Africa and are interested in celestial events, you might also want to mark September 1st on your calendar because there will be a solar eclipse…  The annular solar eclipse (also known as a “ring of fire” solar eclipse)  will look like this


to the fortunate ones living here



Happy sky viewing!

Mr. M    =^.^=

This post is part of my furiends on the BlogPaws Blog Hop for “Wordless Wednesday as well as Create with Joy’s Wordless Wednesday blog hop and Comedy Plus’s blog hop.