16 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

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    1. Meowser, Ms. Kiara, I’m so pleased that you knew about this! This will be my first Christmas without M and I’m sort of missing him, even tough he was never the ‘life of the party’, I adore Katsu, but doubt that he’ll ever be another M. SO, every once in a while, I snoop through his archives and post things he thought worthy of saving.

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      1. Yes, you’re correct, I hadn’t thought about that, but it’s true that he does seem to collect rocks and I haven’t forgotten how enraptured he was over the pretty white litter – or how frustrated I got when he wasn’t using that litter for its intended use… OR how I got swatted when I demonstrated how to use it…

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    1. There is one for remembering which months have 31 day or less involving knuckles. Do you know that one? IF you tell me no, I’ll see if I can find it.


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