Garden Project


Our back yard needs a lot of work and since no one seemed willing to volunteer, I was forced to take my staff in paw and supervise. We began with putting together the gazebo kit, which has been stacked on the back porch since February.

I think I look quite ‘official’ in my new life vest. What do you think?

My human staff had been procrastinating on this project because there were no instructions in the box. Who needs a paper, when then have a knowledgeable cat to direct them? The only unsettling part  was when I realized that I needed to share MY ladder, so they could put on the canvas top…

Looks good, doesn’t it?P1170875.JPG

14 thoughts on “Garden Project

    1. Papaya trees … one year old ones – they grow fast as weeds. They aren’t much good for climbing, but when the humans planted one close to the house, after 3 years, it was much taller than the rain gutters and I saw a squirrel zip up it and jump onto the roof! I don’t like – or trust – squirrels, so I had my staff chop it down.


  1. Hi Purrseidon…nice gazebo and vest! But where’s your hard hat?…Safety first! My human has the plans for her gazebo in her head, which I think involves a patio umbrella supported by some lattice panels attached to a wooden platform..I don’t think we’ll need a ladder….mol =^,,^=

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