Sunday Selfies

Dear Furiends,

Did you know that Yom Kippur begins today, Sunday, September 27th at sunset? I’m not 100% sure what this holiday is, but it sort of sounds like yummy kipper and I like those. So, I researched this and discovered that Yom Kippur, a.k.a. the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jews traditionally observe this holy day with fasting and intensive prayer…. So I guess yummy kippers aren’t part of it. I’m all for the purraying part, but must think through the fasting aspect, which apparently ends at sunset on Monday, September 28…. that is a long, long time without treats.

Saphera was happy to purrticipate, but the others vanished.

This post is purrticipating in The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfies Blog Hop – please, click here to visit our dear furiends, The Kitties Blue, as well as other Sunday hoppers.


PS: Angel, our dear tom-furiend in Ohio is fine, though his wi-fi and internet issues continue to be a problem.

20 thoughts on “Sunday Selfies

  1. cherieaw

    Dear furry friends, I think ma is feeling a little better but won’t be chasing me around for a photo for a couple weeks. She told me to send you all purr kisses. Love, Angel kitty

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Meowser Angel dear furiend, take good care of your ma…. she’ll need lots and lots of cuddles and purrs….Remember the vibration of our purrs are healing.


  2. Guud reeport Purrseidon! Yom Kippur iss inndeed THE most speshell day fore Jewish-Mewish peepell.
    Peepell with health issuess like Dye-a-beet-eess or Cancer CAN eat. They are xempt. LadyMew used to FAST efurry yeer butt shee has not been abell to fast fore 5 yeerss now….
    Purrseidon an Saphera yore selfiess are dee-vine!
    An mee iss furry happy knowin Angel man cat iss doin fine inn O-Hye-O!!
    **purrss** BellaDharma

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kosmo dear brofur, Ms. Saphera has always known how to pose, but she prefers to use the skill when begging for extra dinners and treats… She seldom does it when cameras are around as she dislikes cameras and generally pulls a vanishing act… I’m thinking that the older she gets, the longer it takes her to notice a camera.

      Liked by 2 people

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