Sunday Selfies

20191214_222527Dear Furiends,

This post is purrticipating in The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfies Blog Hop – to see what some of our furiends are doing this weekend please, click here and visit our dear furiends, The Kitties Blue, as well as other Sunday hoppers.

Due to the way politicians are panicking, it seemed like the ideal time to have a little big-sisfur chat with Katsu about safety and purrtection, but he seems to think he is safe in his cubby…. at least, he’s being vigilant.


My motto is purrpare for the worst and purray for the best.


IMG_20200314_163114~2(1)& now from our dear tom-furiend in Ohio:IMG_20200314_184136

Dear Purr and all your wonderful furry friends,

Yesterday I was so happy taking my afternoon nap on the sunny porch. So I asked Ma what happened? Today it’s freezing and snowing. She said there’s a lot of danger out there right now. So that does it, I’m hiding in my Chewy box from the weather. I don’t want to catch whatever she calls flu. One day this happened and I learned another new word, sneezing. Yes, Ma kept saying i was sneezing. This is a crazy world. And look at that big St. Bernard Ma met yesterday in the sun?IMG_20200313_181904
Love and hugs to all. Ma said the library is closed so she won’t be able to get access to a computer and write answers for me on Sunday selfies.

16 thoughts on “Sunday Selfies

    1. Ms. Crystal dear furiend, this virus thing is unprecedented! A couple days we heard of a human who stabbed another human just for bottled water…. can you imagine what someone like that could do for salmon treats?!?!? Katsu and I only have claws to defend our stockpile, so he must learn the power of guns…. I’d hate to do it, but giving up treats would be better than fighting an armed psycho.


    1. It basically takes about 45 minutes to purrpare for a worst case scenario because we’re generally 98% purrpared…. have been for years. It amazes me that people all buy things like milk, bread and water, then people howl because there is no more when there is plenty of flour and yeast! We almost always make our own bread, so don’t even think to buy bread. Also have plenty of canned milk and even dehydrated butter and cheese (furesh is better).


  1. Mee-yow Angel kitty wee inn lock down up here inn Catnada too!! Wee hope you an yore Meowmy will bee all rite. This Virus stuff iss scarey!
    Katsu mee likess yore idea like Angel’ss! Let’ss just hide till THE werld iss Okay again!!
    Purrseidon yore so educated….wee cuud use you up here!!!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma

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    1. Meowser BellaDharma dear furiend! For some reason I’m not shocked that Canada is reacting to this pandemic, too. Our dear furiend in Northern Italy is hunkered down and ‘enduring’…. Katsu and I hope things don’t get quite that bad for you! High school is closed, so Ms. Munchkin will be back to home schooling… Thus, my work has suddenly doubled, that that is okay… I have my doubts about ‘real school’.


    1. Meowser dear furiends, we all live in Florida, so I’m betting that your family is like mine and purrpares for hurricanes every April… by that, I mean the gas tanks to run the generator get filled … Around Christmas, the gas in the tanks gets used, because otherwise it would get old/bad. Otherwise, we keep a stock of everything and just replace whatever is used on a weekly or monthly basis. Therefore, we had very little to do to purrpare for that virus and a potential quarantine.


  2. Mol, I’m sure us cats could cope way better than a lot of humans in this time of crisis, and at least we not buying tons of toilet roll. But being vigilant is a cat thing so maybe YOU could teach your staff a thing or two?
    Oh my, poor Angel. Better weather then hit by cold, snow and now the flu thing. Hopefully that will pass asap and you can access the world again soon. Till then, stay well and safely indoors.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ERin dear furiend f Angel is being accurate, his weather is worse than dear brofur Kosmo’s and he lives in Frigid Finland!
      Hopefully spring comes soon and the heat chases this awful awful virus bugs away!

      Liked by 1 person

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