Healing Power of Purrs

Dear Furiends,20170422_113156

There is healing power in purrs and if you follow this blog, you might know that many consider me to be an accomplished purr-therapist as well as a writer’s muse. According to  blog.petflow.com, “If a kitty is a part of your family, then you are 40% less likely to have a heart attack.”   (If the kitty is Purrsideon, this might be because you are getting a lot of cardio exercise trying to keep up with a furball who seems capable at moving at Mach speed.) Fortunately for the staff, I am a calming influence, who can purr away their stress.

Petflow posted a fascinating infographic on why purring heals. (you will notice that it focuses on a cat’s purr, not one’s athletic ability – or lack thereof – to keep up with a kitten). Thus, as a purr-therapist, my purrs lower stress and reduce the risk of heart attacks as well as lower blood pressure. Purring also heals infection/swelling, and helps mend everything from torn tendons to broken bones.

Mr. M  =^.^=


13 thoughts on “Healing Power of Purrs

  1. Our felines are such gifts and they have the powers to heal in countless ways … from purring, to grounding … to focusing on something concrete outside ourselves … not to mention love. I have few doubts – I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for Bear Cat.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mimi

    Preaching to the choir! Yes, cats add so much to our lives, although my crew may cause almost as much stress as they relieve when they fight with each other.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Except for Halo beating up Gunner, we don’t fight…. I do admit to avoiding Purr when she is behaving in a very un-catish way, though =^.^=


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