Friday Friendly Fillins

received_102127121309874031. My next novel, (working title Purrs-er-verance) will be set in Crete and I’m writing my dear brofur from across the sea, Kosmo, in as Crete’s Purrtector…. Mischief is NOT behaving herself and she is showing poor judgement when it comes to furiends.

2. Fireworks smell disgusting and sound horrible…. I’ve never been to a war zone, but some who have been there say they smell like gunpowder and sound like war… I plan to avoid the coming holiday and sequester myself in my favorite box.

20170402_1900143. Freedom is a good thing, but M keeps pointing out that some humans think freedom is their right, and they don’t realize that others have the same rights… In our family, this is pretty much true for everyone except Halo, who needs to stay in his hutch most of the time because he likes to pick fights…. I’m working on his attitude, but it is taking ,much, much longer than I estimated…. he is one stubborn bunny!20170319_174602

4. This week, I am thankful that he family is back from vacation, but I’m still miffed that I was left home…. Master Munchkin caught a lot of fish and I wasn’t there to help him play with and eat them.99df57c83891005a0ddaa69294a44b8a

This post is participating in Friendly Fill-Ins, which is hosted by McGuffy’s Reader & 15andmeowing – on Thursdays, they asked these 4 fill-in-the-blank questions:

1. My next ___________________ will be ________________________________.

2. Fireworks__________________________.c1b99a1eeca6f8f4e9b8b80ab7d58c23

3. Freedom _______________________.

4. This week, I am thankful_______________________.

35 thoughts on “Friday Friendly Fillins

  1. I apologize for my lateness in responding. Although I read posts last week, with Chloe Jo in the hospital, it has been difficult. As I write this, she is back in the hospital for observation and tests. Thanks for understanding. Hugs, guys.

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    1. Oh meow is me, in the hospital AGAIN, oh, this is very, very bad!
      Gunner has been feeling listless, too, but he doesn’t seem sick enough to make a trip to the hospital…. Mom says he is probably just hot (90s), and maybe dehydrated, so we kept him inside and gave him lots of juicy treats and water. He is a very old bunny, though I’m not sure how old he is, he seems older than M…. I don’t like it when my furiends don’t feel well. >^.^<


  2. I’m sorry that you didn’t get to play with the fishies, Purr, but very glad that your family is home with you now.

    Mr. M., I hope that you’re able to have a nice, quiet 4th in your special box.

    Have a blessed week and a wonderful 4th, all of you. 🙂

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    1. We hope you have a wonderful 4th, too…. Our main concerns are with cousin Lucy, who is a very jumpy pup… medication and ‘thunder shirts’ have failed to help her in the past…. We wish we knew something to suggest. … Believe it or not, Saphera, who is spooked by just about everything, LOVES fireworks….. go figure. >^.^<

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      1. Thunder Shirts are a lot like harnesses, but design applies gentle, constant pressure to calm anxiety, fear, and over excitement. I’ve known of some people who ‘threw together’ one using ace bandages. They work on Saphera when we can anticipate the situation.

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      2. They are easy as a harness to put on, and we use it when we know she might face something new (like on an evening stroll, when other dogs and owners are also out.) However, one can not anticipate the unexpected and she has such a thick coat that we don’t want to keep it on all the time.

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      3. Thank you. I hope the same for you. It sounds like our neighbors have bombs over at their house. At one point, it sounded for all the world like something was going off in our carport and also hurting Zoomie (our car). We checked, all was well in our yard. Thankfully they haven’t set us on fire yet. 🙂

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      4. Thankfully, we don’t have neighbors that loud…. our loudest things are the lawn mowers or when the neighbor to our North practices his drums when the windows are open … fortunately, he’s rather good.

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    1. Yet some do not want to behave responsibly, and that creates a problem. Mom said that humanity doesn’t seem to have the ‘integrity’ they did years ago. Apparently this was before I was born because I don’t notice a difference.
      Pops put up our flag & we all wish you and yours a wonderful 4th. >^.^<

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    1. He is certainly based on our dear brofur in Finland! And a very fine tuxie he is! In fact his only problem being a Purrtector is that he doesn’t like going outside, so very suspicious things can go unnoticed…. =^.^=


  3. I’m glad your family is back too, Purr. I’m sure Master Munchkin missed you and wished you could help him wrangle fish. Halo’s sure got a ‘tude to rival even the crotchetiest cat (and no, we are not implying Mr M here … we meant in general).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you both for these great answers. I can’t wait for your next book, it sounds great. And I agree with you on the fireworks. I am glad your family is back home with you Purrseidon, they should have brought you a fish. Have a nice weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ms. Ellen, you are very correct – they at very least should have brought me a fish! Photos just do not sooth the insult of being left with a sitter! >^.^<


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