Friday Friendly Fillins

1. Being around babies makes me feel old.p1200034

2. A beautiful day, when Spring is in the air makes me feel young. (My brofur, who will be answering 3 and 4, can make me feel young, too.)





3. I have an avid interest in space-flight.

4. The moon is a fascinating thing to watch.


This post is participating in Friendly Fill-Ins, which is hosted by McGuffy’s Reader & 15andmeowing – on Thursdays, they asked these 4 fill in the blank questions:

1. ________________________makes me feel old

2._______________________makes me feel young.

3. I have ___________________.

4. ___________________ is ___________________.

22 thoughts on “Friday Friendly Fillins

      1. It has been a very long time since I have climbed a tree. But, I grew up in the woods and had lots of opportunities to do so. The only problem was that some of the best trees’ lowest branches were still way over my head. I’m not tall at all. 🙂

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    1. The moon is always changing. What most don’t realize is that its orbit is oval, not circular, so sometimes, it is closer to us than other times. =^.^=


    1. Being around children always makes Saphera happy – sticky fingers and all… I’m not fond of the ones that have sticky fingers and pull on my tail, though. >^.^<


  1. pilch92

    Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I enjoyed both sets of answers. You are still very young Purrseidon. And Mr. M, you are like a little professor. XO

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    1. It is my favorite tree…. as long as those horrid squirrels haven’t invaded it. They are robbers…. didn’t leave any acorns at all…. I’d hoped to use some as hockey pucks. >^.^<

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