Wordless Wednesday



Dear Furiends,

I went on a beach patrol, which wasn’t  as much fun as I anticipated, since there was no wading or splashing.

There is no hurricane watch on the Atlantic Coast of Florida, like there is on the Gulf Coast, map_tropalrt09_ltst_5nhato_enus_650x366 but it looks like it will be a damp week. Knowing my staff, I will be stuck inside instead of playing in puddles or even waling in the rain.


Have a good day,

Purrseidon  >^.^<map_specnewsdct-63_ltst_4namus_enus_650x366





Mr. M here. I am convinced that my sisfur doesn’t have a clue about how destructive a tropical storm or hurricane can be. She thinks a hurricane would be ‘fun’. The very thought makes my fur stand on end! If any of you are interested in the weather situation which has me worried for my furiends on the Gulf Coast, and see where my sisfur found those charts with the pretty colors, please visit Weather.com for the complete story.


This post is part of Create with Joy’s Wordless Wednesday & Comedy Plusblog hops.


21 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Mr.M., you sound like the smart one. Stay safe everyone, and we hope the storm doesn’t come near you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

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  2. Oh M we do think you might be right. Purr likes da water so much she just ain’t thinkin’ ’bout all dat goes with those hurricanes and such. Ya’ know we don’t mind da water either and quite like it on most days, but me fur sure don’t like any of da storms dat accompany rain. Be safe and have fun.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

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    1. She became a housecat when she was only a month old, so doesn’t really understand how hostile storms can be. In many ways, I am happy she didn’t spend much time feral, but it certainly makes it difficult for me to educate her!

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    1. Why do so many of my furiends put safe and dry in the same thought? My brofur acts like wet isn’t safe, too. SO,for the past day or so, the only time I see him is when he’s either writing a post OR it is time to eat… Meanwhile, I keep getting into conflicts with my staff because I want to play in the rain… >^.^<

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    1. My brofur says it is very doubtful that we will get anything bur overcast skies and a few showers. A real storm would be exciting, but he usually knows about this stuff. >^.^<

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